For a long time, the famous TV show ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma’ has been seeing a lot of movement among the actors. Meanwhile, false rumors of some stars leaving the show are also coming out. The latest case is that of Mandar Chandwadkar, who plays Atmaram Tukaram Bhide, the sole secretary and tuition teacher of the Gokuldham society in TMKOC. Some reports are claiming that Mandar Chandwadkar, who has been working on the show for the past 16 years, is now going to say goodbye to the show.
This actor is also saying goodbye to the ‘Taarak Mehta…’ show?
However, the truth of this matter is something else, the video of which has been shared by Mandar himself on social media. Mandar Chandwadkar has shared a video to put an end to the rumours, calling the news of quitting the show fake. Mandar captioned the video, “Friends, don’t believe rumors and don’t spread them.
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The show TMKOC has been entertaining you since 2008 and will continue to entertain you for years to come. I just want to tell the truth, so I am posting this reel. Thank you so much for all your love. Mandar has shared a screenshot of a message in his video, which has some chat boxes. In the screenshot, Mandar is seen with folded hands. There are different claims written in the chat box. One of the chat boxes says – shot fired. It is written in another chat box – today I will open the full truth of TMKOC set.
Another has written in the chat box – Daya Bhabhi will never come. Another wrote in the chat box – I am also leaving the show. In the video, Mandar states that this image is cut from his live video, which he did to the audience on the completion of 16 years of TMKOC. According to him, there is no truth in this news. Let us tell you that before Mandaar, Sharad Sankala, who played the role of Abdul in Tarak Mehta, was rumored to leave the show, which he denied.
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